Saturday, January 2, 2021

Mariachis Make My Eyes Water

 So, today Bobbity and I decided to watch this amazing documentary. If you like Linda, you'll love it.

Most of it was information we knew about her already. Well, I knew. Bobbity talked through the whole thing, as usual, letting me know he didn't know most of what was well known to a true Ronstadt fan. I guess we now know who that fan is in our family. Anyway, there were two specific parts that pretty much wrecked us both.

When LR began singing Blue Bayou, we both began to weep. Not so much at the beauty of her voice, although it was truly beautiful, but rather, remembering how much my father-in-law loved that song. He would play it over and over, like a kid with his first 45 record. 

As the documentary continues, it gets to my favorite part of her life. The part where she records in Spanish, with full mariachi accompaniment, in honor of her father. I loved it then when it actually happened. I love it now, remembering. 

Mariachis have always held a special place in my heart. They were important in my family. If there was a party at my parent's house or my dad's office, you could almost bet there would be mariachis. Wedding in the backyard? Mariachis! Call me Mama Coco but plan on a fiesta funeral when my time comes.

Did I mention the time Oscar de la Hoya brought Mariachis to my parent's house for my mother's birthday? He really liked my mom and knew she really liked Mariachis, so there ya go. 

Anyway, I started digging through boxes again and came up with a few more gems from my family.

My dad surprised my mother with a 25th-anniversary party in their backyard.

With Mariachis, of course!

Ok, that's all for tonight. I'm getting out my boxed set of Vicente Fernandez CDs and having a proper cry in my cerveza. 


Lillian Robinson said...

Blue Bayou is my karaoke go-to. I've probably brought a few people to tears. 😂 What a colorful life you've lived. Beautiful family.

Marla said...

I love Karaoke! Especially after a few cervezas. We might have to do that. hahaha