Friday, January 8, 2021

And This Is Why Animals Are Better Than People

I have mismatched feet. There. I said it. It's embarrassing and frustrating but it is what it is. I broke my left ankle 9 weeks ago today and as if that wasn't bad enough, now my feet don't match. I mean, come on!

When I fell that day, it was pretty horrific. I literally slipped on moss on our back patio and flew off the edge landing by our backdoor. My arms and legs were a bloody mess and I think I went into a bit of shock. Thank God, I had ordered groceries so the delivery driver had just arrived and was unloading her trunk. She immediately called 911 as I lay there on the ground not understanding what had just happened. Now here's the best part of living on a farm where you fly off your porch and lay on the ground bloody and broken. My animals went nuts!

Lucy and Ethel, our pigs, were at the fence screaming. I mean, screaming! If you've never heard a pig scream, be thankful. It's really loud and distressing. I started calling out to them letting them know I was ok, they could relax. "Girls, I'm ok! Please stop screaming. I promise I'm ok." 

It was at that moment, I realized the chickens had all come running and were literally surrounding me like wagons circling. They were very vocal with clucking and crowing not to mention walking across me and picking at my hair. "Come on you guys! I'm ok, I promise."

I'm not sure how long this scene played out however, I do know it was long enough for the firemen and ambulance to show up and marvel at the sight of the lady covered in chickens being serenaded by pigs. I'm pretty sure the little gal delivering my groceries went back and quit that day. 


Rescue 911 Chickens

                                      Lucy and Ethel picking grapes with Hannah


Lillian Robinson said...

I truly wanted to feel compassion for you...lying there all broken, serenaded by swine, trampled by fowl...all I can do is giggle inside. Now you have mismatched feet, and when asked about it, you will have a reply worthy of an audience. I must create a most splended tale about why I have no toenails.

Marla said...

No toenails!!! Hopefully missing on all ten toes so at least your feet match.

Deborah said...

omg - Marla! I'm ecstatic! I am.

Animals! I teared up and laughed at the same time. All of your critters concerned is so good. How sweet and comforting. And what a terrible terrible experience. I'm hugging you woman.

Again - I am ecstatic. Thrilled. So happy {{{hug}}}