Saturday, March 6, 2021

My Sister-Cousin

I have a bazillion cousins and they are all pretty great. Each one is absolutely unique and has affected my life in one way or another. Tonight, I'd like to share a little about four of my cousins. I adore these people. 

Kelly and Cher are not only my cousins, they are our concert-going buddies. Up until last year hit like a pandemic, we were going to just about a concert a month, if I recall correctly. We saw some real doozies like Alice Cooper. Best time ever and I can't remember laughing that hard before or since. I'd see him again in a heartbeat. This picture was taken on my birthday two years ago when we went to see Elton John. So much fun. I'm finally starting to look at venues in the hopes the four of us will be back in the stands, rocking and rolling, this year.

I received two packages today from Kel and Cher. Early birthday presents that made me cry. A cow made out of horseshoes but not just made by any old cowboy. No! This beautiful beast was made by my not-so-little-anymore cousin, Evan. And the cow blanket. Again, that is not just any old cow blanket. That is the blanket from Cher and Kel's Key Lime Cottage. The cottage they just sold. The cottage that Cher and I loved and spent weeks hanging out together in. We would stay up half the night watching movies and then spend the day swimming and relaxing. Often, the trolley would pick us up to take us to downtown St. Augustine where we would grab a bite to eat at Casa Maya before strolling around like the tourists we weren't. Then, back to the cottage where we would wrap up in blankets on the couch for another movie. The cow blanket was always my first choice and now, tonight, I'm wrapped up in it on my couch, remembering all the wonderful times with Cher and Key Lime Cottage.

This is my not-so-little-anymore cousin, Evan. How can he be a giant teenager when he's still a little baby in my mind? Also, how can he be this big when his mama, my cousin, Mindy, is still a little kid in my head? What is happening here!?!?!? I love my cow so much especially because Evan made it and Cher and Kel bought it for me. These are the best kinds of presents ever. The ones with connections and memories involved. 

Speaking of Evan's mama, Mindy, this is how I still see her. This is how I will always see her. My little cowgirl cousin. I loved her from the day she was born. Her mama and daddy were so good to Bob and I when we first married and moved to Cayucos. They would drop in almost weekly to check on us or bring us sausage Norman had made or baby clothes Charlene had saved to hand down to me. I was seven months pregnant when we moved to Cayucos. That didn't stop Norman from picking me up in his old Jeep to take me up to their house in Cambria. Bob would meet us there after work and off the four of us would go, into the hills with Norman driving the Jeep. He drove it like a maniac over those hills. Not because he was a bad driver. No. It was so he could hear me screaming as he bounced me like a basketball in the back seat. I remember literally screaming I was going to pee all over his backseat if he hit one more dip at full speed. Did that stop the lunatic? Hell, no! He thought it was hilarious. Norman was always my rotten, boy cousin that loved to tease you until you were ready to strangle him. He was also one of my favorite people on earth. He was really good to Bob and I and we loved him. His wife Charlene was the opposite of him. She was soft and sweet and just wanted to take care of me. I could depend on her for help with the baby and advice. She always made sure we were invited to everything going on that they were involved in. Honestly, the people that include you in their lives are more valuable than gold. They are rare in this world so when you find the includers, hang onto them. 

I can't begin to put into words how much I love and appreciate my cousin, Cher. She has always been there for me. Always. When times were tight, she offered me work. When I was overwhelmed caring for a dying father and a dying sister, she hopped on a plane and came to my rescue. This was during a time she was caring for her own dying father, as well. Who does that? Who drops everything to rescue another drowning human being? Cher does and I will never forget what she did for me. She's more like a sister to me and I'm so grateful for her.

Cher is also a little crazy. Like the time the four of us went out bar hopping on Halloween. When Cher saw "the pope", she dragged me over to meet him. She thought it was very important that he know we were Catholic School girls. The conversation was hilarious and I was so glad she made me do it. I still laugh thinking about that night. 

Cher is also the one that will watch me accidentally walk into the men's restroom and wait to see how long it takes me to figure out where I am. Yeah, she's that cousin.

When I started running, Cher was one of my biggest supporters. She'd invite me to come stay at the condo so we could run/walk on the beach. Three miles to the pier. This is one of my favorite places in Florida and one of my favorite things to do with one of my favorite people. I can't wait for her to return from California so I can spend time with her on the beach again. We won't be running with my still healing broken ankle. Maybe we'll just float in the water and plan our next adventure together.

I love you, Cher. Thank you for my wonderful birthday presents and all the great memories. I can't wait to make more memories with you, Kelly and Bob.

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