Friday, March 5, 2021

Free Advice Friday

Tonight's Free Advice:

Travel. Get in a plane, train, boat or car and go. Take a bus. Walk if you have to. Just go. Go somewhere that scares you. Someplace that takes you completely out of your comfort zone. Go where people look differently, speak differently, eat differently, are different from what you're use to. Head to the North, South, East or West. Spend the day in a new neighborhood a days drive away. Go overseas or across the United States. Just go. 

Go with open hands, not closed fists. You'll find out things about yourself and it will surprise you in the best possible way. You'll start to realize your way of thinking, your beliefs and ideas, are not always correct. You will start to look at people and their differences in a much better light. You'll be stretched beyond what you believed was possible. It will happen. I promise. 

And once you find out these new to you truths, you'll have to decide. Do you let this journey change you or do you go back home and stay on your porch, throwing rocks at people as they pass by? It's true. You'll have some decisions to make after all you've experienced. 

Choose wisely. The world is counting on you. So am I.


It really is a small world.


Unknown said...

It's a small world after all.......

Tina Louise said...

Beautiful photo of you Mom!

Tina Louise said...


Marla said...

Thanks Lizzie! Love and miss you, honey.