Wednesday, March 3, 2021

HansenFarm 101

I'm trying to love people but it's hard. Animals have always taught me lessons I needed to know. They still are. Go ahead and laugh but it's true. Think about some of the people in your life as you read through and tell me you don't get it. I have faith you will.

Roxy knows she can stick her nose in and it will be ok. She also knows I will get down on the ground and stick my nose in as well and she welcomes me. She never growls or grumbles. She definitely doesn't understand what my reasoning is all the time but she trusts me because she knows me and I trust her for the same reason. It's friendship at it's finest. Keep sticking your nose in because it does belong.

Not once, have my girls rejected me because of the way I look, dress or what I weigh. They just accept me as I am. I feel the same way about them. I am much more concerned about their happiness and well-being than I am about their dragging bellies. It's a relationship that works. They need belly rubs and I need bellies to rub. Accept people (and pigs) for who they are. 


Harley was one of my best buddies for the last ten years. When we lost him last year, I was absolutely devastated. He loved me and I loved him. Unconditionally. We spent years learning each others language. It was work but it was so worth it. It took a lot of listening and repeating until we both understood one another. Oh sure, he'd have his bad moods and try to take a chunk out of me but who doesn't have those days? We'd give each other space and be back to chatting and laughing the next day. That's friendship. You can learn to speak the same language even on your worst days. 

Sophia was brutalized by people she was suppose to be able to trust. When we rescued her, I was grateful I didn't know who did this to her because I would have gone to jail. That's what friends do. They defend one another and have each others backs. Maybe even bail money, if needed. I didn't suffer her pain however it became my pain as well because I cared about her. That's a part of the life experience. Learn empathy for others pain even if you've never suffered through it. 

Friends also help you heal and learn to trust again. It's never too late or impossible to move from fear to friendship. You both just have to be willing to work through all the pain. Sometimes it's hard because you misunderstand one another, But, if you keep working at it together, it all turns out for the better in the end. We need one another to fully heal.

When I saw Ella, dumped with her littermates, I was not in a place to help them. Ella, however, was not going to allow me to leave without her. The other babies scattered into the night, nowhere to be seen. Sometimes you can't help someone that doesnt want your help. Ella jumped in the car on her own and let me know in no uncertain terms, she was leaving with me. A few days later, I sadly found out all the other kitties had been killed by roaming dogs. Sometimes, we are in the right place at what seems like the wrong time. Listen and watch. You'll know what to do and then you just have to do it. Sometimes the cat will tell you herself. Just listen.

Wilbur was a runt living in a less than perfect situation. Amy said we had to rescue him and so we did. He immediately made himself at home and became a part of the family. Family isn't always blood. Sometimes, family isn't even the same shape, size or color. Be open. You don't want to miss these opportunities. They're given to you for a reason.

Sometimes, you just need some friends that like you enough to hang out with you just because they like you. Not what you can do for them. Not because you all think the same, look the same or even behave the same. Celebrate your differences and be there for one another. Even if it's just to listen. 

Jake knew how to have a good time. He was a good boy who loved his tribe. When I saddled him for this ride, I knew he wasn't feeling it that afternoon but he still cooperated because that's what friends do. They help each other out even when they don't feel like it. When I asked my granddaughter to make a funny face, Jake joined in. Isn't that how it seems to always go? The very thing you really didn't want to do turns out to be a fun time after all. Accept the invitation no matter how much you want to be left alone that day. 

Jennie has taught me so much. She was horribly abused. Almost starved to death. She trusted no one when we rescued her. She ran away twice. Both times, I spent hours searching for her and then cried like a baby when I found her. Somewhere along the way, she learned to trust my love for her. She learned to trust all of us. She also learned to let go of the past, put on her crown and reign the day. Never give up on someone.

Eeyore thought I was ridiculous but he always went along with my ideas. That's another part of friendship. Support your weirdo friends. They are not always ok and sometimes a sombrero and some mariachi music with a friend changes everything for them. Just be there.


Sometimes, the door gets closed on you. It's not always your fault. It just is what it is. 

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