Thursday, March 18, 2021

Every Pipe Needs a Plumber Now and Then

So, we skipped the ELO tribute concert tonight because of a summer storm. It really wasn't upsetting because we both agreed it wasn't worth the risk of me gimping along on crutches in the rain. It's been a long four months to get back to walking, even with crutches. I'm going to err on the side of caution for a bit longer. No joke, if I fell and broke an ankle again, you'd have to stick me on an iceberg and send me on my way because this seriously sucked.

We had a nice night even with missing our live music. I made nachos for dinner, we ate on the couch watching Star Trek, both fell asleep on the couch and woke up an hour later. This was the most old people night we've had in a long time. Which is why it shouldn't surprise Bob that the colon cleanse I ordered for us both showed up this evening. Nothing like a good colon cleanse for the old folks. What is happening to us? 

I've had a lot of time to up my usual reading while sitting with my foot on a pillow, hence, the colon cleanse. I read this is a really good thing for your body. We shall see if we really are full of what people have accused us of being full of. One warning, I would suggest not visiting the farm for the next three days for your own safety. 

Anyway, I went through my phone tonight looking at some of the concert pictures I took over the last few years. We heard some really great music and will definitely be out there hearing more, soon I hope. Bob wants to see Clapton in Switzerland next year and talk our cousins into going with us. I say, let's do it! Hopefully, travel will be open again by then. I really hope so because we have places to go and people to see.

My travel buddy, Patty, thinks the airlines might require proof of the vaccine in order to fly. I really hope she's wrong but I'm concerned she could be right. She usually is. I hope not this time. I still won't be taking the vaccine due to my own health concerns from past reactions. Bob said to stop worrying about it and just wait and see what happens once travel opens back up. I think it's cute when he thinks he can tell me what to do. 

I've been doing a lot of reading on COVID like most people and found some interesting information that I've been following up on for the last four months on this website.

Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance

Looks like doctors are having great success with hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. The FLCCC Alliance just announced that their paper has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication in the American Journal of Therapeutics and will be online in a few weeks plus it appears even the WHO is rethinking their earlier stance against this protocol. I'll be seeing my doctor next week to discuss giving this a go.

Prophylaxis & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19

Speaking of Ivermectin, I have a half gallon jug of the stuff on my back porch. I used it once a month on my goats to keep them healthy and it worked like a charm. I suppose I could skip the doctor and just douse my hind-quarters and back of the neck with what I have. Do you think people will notice the purple stain?

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