Tuesday, March 23, 2021


I sorted photos for hours tonight. I'm pretty sure it would have taken me half the actual time I spent if I hadn't had so much help from Ella. She is seriously the weirdest cat that has ever owned me.

This explains why there is cat hair all over the photos I'm sending out. I seriously hope nobody is allergic and if you are, you can thank Ella Hansen for your sneezes and sniffles. I try to keep her out of my work but she's like Tigger. She just bounces right back to the spot she was evicted from and then gives me the side eye. 

I hate cats on the kitchen table. Hate it. Almost as much as I hated when the goat got on the kitchen table. I mean, come on! We eat there, man!!

Do you think Ella cares that I don't want her on the kitchen table? She does not. I can put her down and she bounces right back up. Try to swat her, she thinks your playing and you will lose. This cat is a menace. Oh sure, she's very cute and her fur is the softest kitty fur in the universe but underneath all that crazy coat is the heart of a real jerk. I mean, look at her.

We even tried spraying her with water because you know how much cats hate water so surely that should have worked, right? Wrong. This weirdo loves water.

Every single time I take a shower, this is what I deal with. I turn the water on and Ella immediately jumps up on the shelf and waits for me to get in. She literally lays there watching every move I make.

Then, once I'm in the shower, she not only watches me but tries to get in. She'll start by sliding her front paws down the tile inside the shower until she reaches the towel bar. If I'm not careful and I get too close to the back of the shower where her towel bar perch is, she'll try to hitch a ride on my head. She is trouble.

Don't even get me started on my cows from Switzerland. When we stayed with my cousins in Giubiasco a few years ago, they gifted me with some wonderful wooden cows. I love them so much. My cousins and the cows. I put them up high on the top of my parents china closet in our dining room. I wanted them to be safely out of reach of the grandkids. I was obviously concerned about the wrong people messing with my Swiss cows. Yeah, Ella uses my lovely wooden Swiss cows as pillows. Forget the fancy expensive cat tree hotel thing I talked Bob into buying for her. No! She'd rather hop, skip and jump across all the furniture to reach the top of the china closet and invade Switzerland.

I bet a real Swiss cow would be less trouble than this cat. I'm just saying.....


Deborah said...

This made me cry laughing. I love cats so much. As I type this my own Ella (her name is DK for diva kitty - how touching) is laying on my arms so I cannot type.

Marla said...

Cats are ridiculous. I'm so glad to be back in touch with you. One of these days, we just might have a proper visit with a few drinks to boot. Stay well, my friend.

Deborah said...

I would love that so much Marla. This past year has taught me the pleasure of friendship!