As I'm continuing my journey through the never ending boxes of photos, I have come to realize something about my three sisters. They all really loved big hair in their twenties and thirties.
I mean, come on. Tell me you don't see it.
This is my youngest sister, Debi. This wonderful human being came into our family when she was about 17 years old. I was already married with kids when she moved in with our parents and Kelly, but from the moment we met, I loved her and claimed her as a Casas. I adore Debi and have felt very connected to her from day one. That's why I'm so sad Char and Kelly got to her before I could save her. Yes, it's true. Debi also became a fancy, big hair girl. I vividly remember watching the transformation. She went from straight hair and no makeup to big hair with all the trimmings almost overnight. I can say, through it all, Debi remained the same, soft-hearted sister and I love her for that. She's actually a lot like our mother as well, in all the good ways, so I suppose it all turned out exactly as it was meant to. Although, I still say that was a lot of hairspray between the three of them.
Anyway, when I arrive at my parents after a 4 hour drive, I'm happy to be there and ready to have a good time with the girls over the next few days. I've barely walked in the door however, and Bernie and her gang of Pink Ladies insist we head out the door to go shopping. I resist because I hate shopping. Of course, I lose because my mother had the ability up to her dying day to turn me into a ten year old. So, off we go to the mall where the three beauty experts buy me a new bra, a new dress, shoes, stockings (I mean, just kill me already) and then we all go get our nails done. I put my foot down on getting the nails done part but my mother promised we would go to Mimi's Cafe afterwards so what could I say. Yeah, I'm fully aware I have food issues and can be led like a piggie to it's pen with just the promise of popcorn. Judge me. I. Don't. Care.
All that to say, this is what they turned me into in the picture below. Remember, I showed up with clothes to wear including shoes and a bra. I think there was a bra. Anyway, I had clothes. Who knows what happened to that outfit. It was probably the same one I was wearing in the anemic picture. Whatever. So, the following picture is of me at my sister Debi's shower.
Big hair. HUGE HAIR! Makeup. Nails. Stockings and a dress that would have bought us groceries for a week. I'm just saying. They turned me into.....CHARLENE! I mean, check out that look on her face. She's Dr. Frankenstein gloating over what she's created with her team. My own aunts didn't recognize me.
I love it when I can make my sister's make this face. It actually made all the cruelty of shopping almost worth it. Look at her. Still beautiful even with a weirdo face because of something I said. Just look to the left. That's her face smiling. Then look to the right. Weirdo face. Left, Char. Right, Char. It was like hanging out in Stepford with the Wives, I tell ya. The best part is, I can still make her crazy, even without big hair.
Last time we were in New York for the holidays, 2018 . It was fabulous. We were enjoying the streets of Manhattan when it started to rain so we ducked into this cute French Bakery for coffee and dessert. I told Char we should take a selfie but we should tilt our heads up so our double chins wouldn't show and she believed me. Bwahahahahaha Some things never change.
This is a great post thanks for sharing it.
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